Platform ntawm TBIT NB-IOT khoom vaj khoom tsev qhov chaw nres nkoj & clo

NB-IOT, thev naus laus zis tseem ceeb ntawm 5G IOT yav tom ntej

Lub Xya Hli 17th, 2019, hauv lub rooj sib tham ITU-R WP5D # 32, Tuam Tshoj tau ua tiav qhov kev xa tawm ntawm IMT-2020 (5G) tus neeg sib tw siv thev naus laus zis daws teeb meem thiab tau txais tsab ntawv lees paub lees paub los ntawm ITU hais txog 5G tus neeg sib tw thev naus laus zis daws teeb meem.Ntawm lawv, NB-IOT yog ib qho ntawm kev tsom mus rau 5G cov neeg sib tw thev naus laus zis daws teeb meem.
Qhov no qhia tau hais tias Tuam Tshoj tseem ceeb heev rau thiab nquag txhawb kev lag luam NB-IOT, thiab pab NB-IOT kev lag luam txuas ntxiv mus rau hauv 5G era los ntawm lub teb chaws.
Hauv Suav teb, thaum Lub Rau Hli 2017, Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology tau ua cov lus qhia tseem ceeb rau kev txhim kho Tuam Tshoj NB-IOT thev naus laus zis: Los ntawm 2020, NB-IOT network yuav ua tiav kev pabcuam thoob ntiaj teb, tsom mus rau sab hauv tsev, kev thauj mus los. txoj kev network, underground yeeb nkab network thiab lwm yam kev siv.Qhov xwm txheej tau txais kev pabcuam tob, thiab lub hauv paus chaw nres tsheb nplai nce mus txog 1.5 lab.
Kev txiav txim siab los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv tshawb fawb los ntawm ntau tus tub ceev xwm hauv xyoo tas los no, nws yog qhov tseeb tias tsoomfwv hauv nroog thiab cov chaw lag luam tau koom tes los teb rau cov lus qhia yav tom ntej.Tus naj npawb ntawm thoob ntiaj teb IOT kev sib txuas ntawm tes yuav ntau dua 5 billion hauv 2025, thiab kev koom tes ntawm NB-IOT yuav ze rau ib nrab.NB-IOT ntsiag to hloov peb lub neej.
Xws li kev tswj hwm cov cuab yeej cuab tam, kev saib xyuas lub tsheb, lub zog, kev siv hluav taws xob rau pej xeem (smart meters, ntse pa taws), thiab lwm yam, tuaj yeem pom lub luag haujlwm zoo los ntawm NB-IOT.
Ntawm lawv, kev tswj hwm tsheb thiab khoom vaj khoom tsev yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg paub tab thiab siv dav tshaj plaws.NB-IOT taug qab cov tsheb kom raug, txheeb xyuas thiab tsis txhob muaj kev sib tsoo ntawm txoj kev, thiab pab cov koom haum cuam tshuam zoo tswj cov teeb meem tsheb.

Tshiab NB-IOT wireless ntev standby tracker ntawm TBIT tau tsim

Raws li qhov zoo ntawm NB-IOT dav dav, kev sib txuas loj, kev siv hluav taws xob tsawg thiab tus nqi qis, TBIT nws tus kheej tsim thiab tsim qhov tseeb NB wireless ntev standby tracker NB-200.TBIT NB-200 khoom vaj khoom tsev tso chaw davhlau ya nyob twg thiab huab platform yog cov txheej txheem tiv thaiv cov cuab yeej cuab tam raws li NB-IOT IoT kev sib txuas lus ntiag tug.Lub davhlau ya nyob twg lub cev yog compact thiab muaj ib tug built-in 2400mAH pov tseg lithium-manganese roj teeb.Nws tuaj yeem ua haujlwm rau 3 xyoos hauv hom standby, thiab tuaj nrog lub teeb-rhiab sensor.Nws yog cov khoom muaj txiaj ntsig zoo tshaj plaws khaws cia hauv Suav teb.Nws yog haum rau ntau yam scenarios.

Ntxiv qhov kev ua haujlwm ntawm WIFI qhov chaw, qhov dav dav thiab kev hloov pauv ceev ceev

NB-200 txais yuav GPS + BDS + LBS + WIFI ntau qhov chaw, uas muaj peev xwm nthuav dav, ntau daim ntawv thov thiab kev pab them nqi, kev teeb tsa yooj yim, kev sib kis ceev thiab tus nqi qis.

Kev saib xyuas tej thaj chaw deb, ntse zog txuag, tshem tawm tag nrho cov kev pheej hmoo

Tus neeg siv tuaj yeem saib xyuas lub tsheb thiab cov ntaub ntawv qhov chaw nyob ntawm lub platform.Thaum lub cuab yeej raug tshem tawm, lub cuab tam tau txav los yog lub tsheb vibrates / dhau-ceev, lub platform yuav tshaj tawm cov ntaub ntawv ceeb toom nyob rau lub sijhawm ceeb toom rau tus neeg siv kom ua tiav.PSM lub zog txuag hom tuaj yeem ua kom ntseeg tau tias lub cuab yeej muaj lub sijhawm tos ntev.tshaj 3 xyoos.

Kev taug qab ntawm lub sijhawm tiag tiag, cov ntaub ntawv tsheb yuav tsis cuam tshuam

Ib qho kev txawv txav hauv lub tsheb tuaj yeem tig rau lub sijhawm taug qab hom, txo qis kev pheej hmoo ntawm tsheb poob, thiab pab cov neeg siv nrhiav lub tsheb sai.

Kev soj ntsuam ntau lub platform, cov neeg siv kev xaiv yog hloov tau yooj yim dua

NB-200 txhawb nqa PC neeg siv, PC web page, mobile APP, WeChat pej xeem tus account, thiab WeChat applet los xyuas lub tsheb hom los pab cov neeg siv paub txog kev saib xyuas thiab kev tswj ntau lub cuab yeej.

NB-200 yog kev lag luam thawj NB-IOT network wireless ntev standby davhlau ya nyob twg

NB-200 muaj qhov sib txuam zoo, ua kom muaj zog hlau nplaum, tsis muaj kev teeb tsa, thiab zais zais zoo.Nws yog qhov tsim nyog tshaj plaws rau kev saib xyuas cov khoom muaj nqis thiab kev tswj xyuas tsheb.IP67 ntsuas dej tsis zoo thiab plua plav-pov thawj thev naus laus zis los tswj cov cheeb tsam tshwj xeeb hauv lub neej.Txij li cov npe ntawm cov khoom siv TBIT NB-200, nws tau txais kev saib xyuas thiab qhuas los ntawm ntau tus neeg sab hauv.Thiab kev xa khoom loj hauv Zhengzhou, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan thiab lwm qhov chaw.
TBIT Asset Management Solution thiab Vehicle Monitoring Management kev daws teeb meem tuaj yeem pab cov tuam txhab lag luam cuam tshuam thiab tsoomfwv cov cai (lossis cov tib neeg) kom khaws cov cuab yeej cuab tam thiab tsheb khiav haujlwm zoo.Los ntawm kev saib xyuas cov khoom muaj nqis thiab saib xyuas lub tsheb qhov chaw thiab cov kev ua ub no, thiab tswj xyuas cov xwm txheej txawv txav, nws tuaj yeem zam tau ntau yam teeb meem hauv kev tswj hwm txhua hnub thiab txhim kho kev ua haujlwm.

Post lub sij hawm: May-08-2021